Teaching and Learning in Post-Corona Era
2023-09-13, 09:40– (Asia/Tokyo), Terrsa Hall A

The mode of teaching and learning has been evolving in the past decades. New theories and methods kept popping up to facilitate teaching and learning. Worldwide in developed countries, 1960 to 1980 was the era that secondary education was stressed and became comprehensive. From time to time, teachers remodel teaching from vertical traditional mode to dynamic mode. Whereas, students started to receive education not only from the school, also from the environment such as the media.
Facing the constantly changing teaching and learning environment, it is necessary for both teachers and students to be open-minded. After Corona, people start to move on towards paperless education. Online lessons are conducted; learning videos could be recorded for education purposes. Some beneficial effects are clear including higher efficiency and affordability for students. On the contrary, drawbacks are observed. Technology issues may hinder the continuity in learning. In addition, students are found to be less focused and some of them may even develop a sense of isolation.
The mode of education in post-Corona era has been developing rapidly. Some advantages and disadvantages are raised. Not only the need of education should be fulfilled, maintaining the connection between teachers and students remains the most important goal.

This paper reviews the modes of teaching and learning in post-Corona era. It is believed that the world is still exploring on the transition from vertical traditional mode to paperless online education. Despite the pros and cons of the evolving education style, this paper stressed the importance of maintaining the connection between teachers and students.

This paper reviews the modes of teaching and learning in post-Corona era. It is believed that the world is still exploring on the transition from vertical traditional mode to paperless online education. Despite the pros and cons of the evolving education style, this paper stressed the importance of maintaining the connection between teachers and students.


Post-Corona era, vertical traditional education, paperless education, online education

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