Developing an Effective Format for Introducing 3D Computer Animation to Adult Learners
2023-09-14, 09:00– (Asia/Tokyo), Terrsa Hall A

By 2030, the workforce in Singapore will be required to transition towards Industry 4.0 which will necessitate the presence of individuals within the force with proficiency in 3D modeling as one of the critical skills to acquire due to its highly transferable nature, applicable across a wide range of sectors (Skillsfuture, 2022). The purpose of this research is to develop a format for teaching basic and intermediate 3D modeling skills within the 3D computer animation context. The research will consider the unique challenges faced by adult learners in this field, such as spanning a broad range of experience or technical knowledge. The SkillsFuture learning platform will be used to deliver this course as it provides accessible learning to Singaporean residents, subsidized for citizens and PR. In addtions, the software Blender will be utilized to teach high-end computer animation, a powerful 3D creation software that is free and open source, making it an effective tool for adult learners. The development of three SkillsFuture courses for high-end computer animation was completed and released during the 2021/2022 period, and a total of 11 runs were conducted. The format used was in-person and small size classes which allowed personalized support and to alter the pace of the class according to the learners needs. Furthermore, microlearning (Boring & Tomei, 2022), project-based learning (Pusztai, 2021), and storytelling (Bonds, 2016) andragogy were implemented. The courses were well-received by adult learners spanning a broad range of ages and professional backgrounds and the feedback collected was overwhelmingly positive, confirming they were able to absorb and apply the knowledge imparted. The success of the courses suggests that this format can be used effectively to teach adult learners 3D modelling within the broader context of 3D computer animation. This could lead to the development of more specialized courses for learners who have already completed the introductory courses, providing them with advanced knowledge in the field.

By 2030, Singapore's workforce must migrate to Industry 4.0, which requires 3D modeling expertise.
The goal of this research is to provide a format for teaching fundamental and intermediate 3D modeling techniques in the context of 3D computer animation.
The SkillsFuture learning platform will be used to deliver this course, and Blender will be utilized to teach high-end computer animation.
Three courses were developed and released during the 2021/2022 period, utilizing in-person and small size classes, microlearning, project-based learning, and storytelling andragogy
The courses received overwhelmingly positive feedback from adult learners, suggesting the format can effectively teach 3D modeling skills.


Andragogy, Industry 4.0, 3D Computer Animation, Microlearning, Project-Based, Storytelling

See also: Fiore Full Paper

Federico Fiore is a Singapore based UK 3d artist, director, and educator with 20 years of experience in the animation field.
He worked for high-profile clients like BBC, Scottish Government, Samsung and Microsoft in film and broadcast productions.
Additionally, Federico has been on the jury panel for the international A+ Creative Festival in Taiwan as well as hosting talks and workshops in the SEA region.
Currently, he holds the position of Lecturer for the Animation and Visual Effects diploma at the School of Design & Media at the Nanyang Polytechnic and is their resident Blender expert.