Learning Invigorated: Using Microlearning as a Teaching Methodology
2023-09-13, 10:30– (Asia/Tokyo), 4F Large Conference Room

Republic Polytechnic (RP) adopts a learner-centred approach, acknowledging student voice as central to the learning experience by employing instructional strategies, such as problem-based learning, project-based learning, interactive seminars and cognitive apprenticeship. With technology revamping the way humans live, communicate and conduct business, e-learning is increasingly used as a mode of lesson delivery in the campus. Together with the other learner-centred instructional strategies, Microlearning (ML) which is an instructional design that delivers information in a smaller and easier-to-digest format, has the potential to be weaved into the curriculum to achieve the desired learning outcomes.

In this study, a conceptual framework is developed to implement microlearning in the curriculum at Republic Polytechnic for learner-centred environment. The framework covers the following aspects:
• What is microlearning?
• Why should microlearning be implemented in the curriculum?
• What are the key features of microlearning?
• How to implement microlearning?

This study assesses the effectiveness of the proposed framework for microlearning implementation in RP with regards to its alignment to the institution’s needs. It looks at how microlearning can be used to deliver content and complement traditional teaching and learning, and subsequently, reinvigorating students’ love for learning.

Four Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) packages were implemented in a lesson to gain useful insights into the learner's reaction and learning through microlearning. The results, derived from Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), indicated that the learners considered short duration of the microlearning courses helped enhance comprehension, enabled accessibility and increased interactivity.

In order to use microlearning instructional design, educators will need to comprehend what is microlearning, the purpose of using microlearning, the key elements that constitute microlearning and how microlearning can be designed and weaved into the curriculum to meet its intended purpose. The development of the microlearning conceptual framework incorporates the above-listed attributes and aims to help educators identify and deliver suitable learning content using microlearning. In addition, the implementation of microlearning will also enhance the learning experience of the learners.


e-learning, microlearning, bite-sized learning, anytime, anywhere, learner-centred, SCORM

See also:

Hwee Yong graduated from The National University of Singapore (NUS) with a Bachelor of Science (Computer & Information Sciences) degree. During her studies, she focused in the areas of Software Engineering and Project Management and went on to further her knowledge in Project Management with the Certified IT Project Manager Programme at The Institute of Systems Science, NUS.

Currently a senior lecturer at Republic Polytechnic, Hwee Yong has developed and taught in modules related to Interactive and Digital Media, IT Compliance and Risk Management as well as IT Service Delivery.

Hwee Yong is also holds a Practitioner Certificate in Personal Data Protection (Singapore) and an Advanced Certificate in Data Protection Operational Excellence by The Singapore Management University (SMU).